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Part 4: Converting Leads into Customers

Hopefully by now you have captured a bunch of leads and have been conducting Sales activities. Possibly a congratulations is in order, now that you have made a sale.

So, what is next? Ideally, we want to be able to convert that lead over to a customer. The way we do that is by creating an Account that reflects the Company or business name as well as a Contact which would likely be the person you have been speaking to during the sales activities.

Instead of getting you to manually transfer the leads data over to an account and contact (copy and paste). I am going to show you how we can use the system to duplicate a leads record over to an Account and a Contact.

We have a simple method to complete that conversion, however, the first step we need to complete is building up the data tables for Accounts and Contacts. In a similar way we did for Leads.

Let’s take a quick look at building the Accounts and Contacts table.